Categories: Missions

Nepal, an amazing investment

Dear family friends and faithful supporters of GNFN,


This is such an amazing investment in Nepal, I had to write and give opportunity to those who want good investments in the kingdom.


I will be leaving September 5 for India and Nepal.  These nations are very precious to me as they have the highest number of ethnic groups that have not heard the gospel.  India has the most in the world, 2200 groups and in Nepal is the fifth largest with 348 groups.  It is exciting to work in these nations where the impact is so great.  Oswald Smith, a great missionary leader once said, “why should anyone hear the gospel twice before everyone has heard it once”.  Jesus wants all to hear the gospel.  That is why the last thing he said to his disciples is “go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” Mark 16:15


In Nepal, I will be teaching 35 students who will plant churches among the unreached.  They have three months of class and two months of outreach to unreached villages.  The first month of outreach will be joining different church in church planting teams of YWAM frontier missions Nepal and work with them to reached the unreached.  The second month the students will do church planting work partnering with their own church.  School dates are September 1, 2013 to January 31, 2014.


This school will qualify them for a frontier missions school that will place them in unreached groups for 12 months.


I received this note from Isaac the leader of the school ( his photos attached)


“after one week school is starting and there will be more than 35 in school, I have challenged students to bring what ever they can, or what ever they have in home.  I am already so excited, some students are bringing corn, some are bringing well and tall, some are bringing rice would ever a mall and they can.  For September is arrival day and 2 September we will collect everything would ever is brought and pray for god’s multiplication in it I am so excited to see how god will provide for this school I.  I have only 1000 promised by you.  God will multiply that money and run this school.  Even though it looks foolish in the eyes of people – bringing 35 people for five months and no money in hand, but for me I can see the flow of blessing through this school to all nation.  Some of our students are coming by four days walking because no motor transportation in their place.  God is bringing some streams from Salaam.  God will not hide his face from us, from our students.  Regarding the money if you can send before school weekend for that as seed money on 2 September.  We can pray as seed a for that money.  Let’s have faith to see god’s multiplication.  And as I hear this is the first school running this way in one YWAM history Nepal in one YWAM Nepal history.”

Isaac is a young man on fire for the lord and the kingdom of god.  He has great vision for the unreached, even as myself.  I have worked with him for three years now.  I like is integrity and spirit.


I want to give you opportunity to sow into this great work that the lord is doing.  Last year we sent teams to four unreached people groups for 12 months, and this year we have over four times the number of students.  God is blessing the work and involvement.  Let me know if you want to help bring light into the darkness in these places that have no eternal hope.  This is a pioneer Mission Field that has been legally open for only a few years and we aim must take full advantage of the opportunity.  Satan has kept them in darkness for centuries.


One student would be $220   (or  $44.00 /mo)  (for three months training and two months on the Mission Field!!)  (20 years ago this school in the U.S. costs me between $2-3000 dollars)

2 students $440.00

5  students $1100

whole school $6000

any amount appreciated.  No amt is too small.


Nepal is located between India and China with 28,5 million people of which only 1.4% of the total population are Christian.  Harvest is plentiful the laborers are few.  This school will raise laborers who will work with these unreached people groups who will work with these unreached people groups and share God’s unfailing love to people who have not heard the gospel yet.


Because He lives, …. And He cares.



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